The E.WE Foundation collaborates closely with various local, national, and international organizations to amplify our efforts of advocacy, education, and public policy. These partnerships foster synergistic relationships that enhance social impact and drive positive change in our communities. If you would like to become an E.WE Foundation partner, email us at or contact us here.


Kid’s Kingdom ProjectCOMPLETE

The Madison Kid’s Kingdom Playground at Dublin Park is a community playground project built in October 1997. The playground is open to the public – free of charge, during daylight hours. We are proud to support our community of Madison in not only rebuilding Kid’s Kingdom but making it accessible to ALL children. Nearly 1 in 5 people have a disability in the U.S., with the cities of Madison and Huntsville combining for 35,577, yet most playgrounds do not accommodate people with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring children with all abilities can play in parallel with their siblings and friends.

The ribbon cutting for the new Kid’s Kingdom Playground was held on Monday, November 20, 2023 at Dublin Park, Madison, AL.

Madison City Schools, Madison, AL – Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters is a district-wide initiative of Madison City Schools. The school district in partnership with several community organizations is raising awareness about the students’ mental health and well-being.


Partners in Education is a dynamic collaboration between the E.WE Foundation and educational institutions. Together, we cultivate inclusive learning environments, raise awareness, and foster positive interactions among students of all abilities. This partnership also creates positive learning environments for students interested in careers that serve patients and families impacted by rare diseases and medically complex diagnoses. Our Partners in Education program is open to K-12 school systems, colleges, universities, and community programs. Contact us if you would like to partner.